The main strategies determined by KKB for 2021 were as follows:
Basic Bureau Services
- Performing other services as determined by contracts, in particular data collection, storage and sharing, provided to the TBB Risk Center, to the highest standards of security and service,
- Deploying KKB’s competence in the collection, secure storage and sharing of information and developing value-added products and services to meet the similar needs of different sectors,
- Enriching data sources for the realization of these purposes,
- Presenting the analysis and reports needed to support the credit policies and stakeholders’ strategic decisions.
Analytical Services
- Expanding the application surfaces of big data, artificial intelligence and advanced analytical methods, developing internal competencies in these areas and increasing the number of R&D projects based on analytical models.
- Developing the products and services offered through Findeks, KKB’s service channel and brand for individuals and non-financial sectors,
- Increasing the awareness of risk management and financial literacy among the target segment,
- Implementation of products beneficial to the real sector in risk management,
- Facilitating access to financial products for the real sector and individuals.
Data Center and Cloud Services
- To the public and real sectors, primarily the financial sector,
- Providing infrastructure shared data center services,
- Providing cloud-based software and platform services and other related value-added services,
- Providing cloud-based services that fintech and other start-ups may access easily and benefit from.
Managed Services
- Providing and operating the services needed by the financial sector by using KKB’s technological, analytical and general capabilities,
- Providing a combination of operational efficiency and cost advantage by centralizing transactions performed separately by different institutions within KKB,
- Carrying out activities to increase awareness and production efficiency in the real sector by reducing costs of accessing information technologies,
- Supporting domestic R&D activities,
- Developing products with new technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, and cooperation with tech providers in this context.
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Providing benefit to society and the environment with innovation-based social responsibility projects which it will develop and support, ensuring increased public awareness on these issues.
- Implementing the basic requirements in terms of environmental awareness and sustainability, and demonstrating positive discrimination in favor of institutions which have proved effective in this regard.
Corporate Governance
- KKB’s being one of the most popular companies to work with its highly competent staff in its field and as an institution which prioritizes institutionalism by creating a corporate culture that observes justice and encourages unity among its employees, operates its processes in accordance with best practices and provides a high level of employee satisfaction.