Name of the Service |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Credit Limit Credit Risk Inquiry and Sharing Services |
Bill Details Notification and Sharing Service |
Bounced Cheque Inquiry and Information Sharing Services |
Individual Cheque Inquiry |
Risk Center Customer Report Service |
Credit Reference System (CRS) |
Corporate Bureau System (CBS) |
Individual Customer Objection Assessment System (Individual MIDES) |
Corporate Customer Objection Assessment System (Corporate MIDES) |
Credit Reference System (CRS) |
Individual Customer Objection Assessment System (Individual MIDES) |
Individual Customer Objection Assessment System (Individual MIDES) |
Corporate Customer Objection Assessment System (Corporate MIDES) |
CRS Information Verification System |
Cheque Report Raw Data Presentation |
Risk Report Raw Data Presentation |
Bounced Cheque Warning Service |
Inquiry and Warning Services about Entities Prohibited from Participation in Tenders |
Data Sharing about Derivative Transactions |
Data Updating Application Service |
Data Validation and Sanction Application Service |
Acceptance - Rejection Notifications Related to Loan Applications |
Sharing Service of Internal Rating Scores |
Credit Rating Agencies (CRAS) and Sharing Service of Rating Scores |
Member Request Management Services |
Sharing Information about Cheques under Interim Injunction |
Sharing Information about Companies that have Declared Bankruptcy/Suspended Bankruptcy/Debt Composition |
Sharing Service about Customers Banned from Using Cheques |
Customer RA Personal Record Search |
Cross Cheque Relations Inquiry Service |
Credit Insurance Inquiry Service |
MERSIS Inquiry Service |
RC Warning Services |
Force Majeure Inquiry |
BKM Member Merchant Turnover Information Inquiry |
Individual Inquiry Reports |
Telecommunications Information Inquiry |
Foreign Currency Credit and Income Inquiry |
Provision of Risk Center Report via the E-State Gateway |
The Bill Report Service |
Commercial Turkish Lira Risk Notification and Information Sharing |
Electronic Investment Incentive Certificate (e-YTB) Information Sharing Service |
Daily Notifications for Commercial TRY and FC Credits |
Foreign Currency Credit and Income Customer Objections Handling System (MIDES) |
Risk Center Interactive Reporting System |
Issuer's Postdated Cheque Data Sharing Service |
Daily Cheque Statistics Sharing Service |
Declaration System |
Sharing of Bankruptcy and Concordatum Decisions in the UYAP System |
Unpaid interest and rediscount information is provided through Credit Limit-Credit Risk Inquiry and Sharing Services.
With this service, information on credit limit-risk and receivables to be liquidated allocated to real and legal persons can be monitored in the short, medium and long term on the basis of credit type, and includes unpaid interest and rediscount information on loans.
The information headers collected in the notification are as follows:
The information collected within the scope of the service is consolidated on a customer basis and shared collectively with members which have sent notifications regarding these accounts. It is also possible to carry out individual inquiries via the web screen or the web service.
Within the scope of the service, information regarding the credit limit, credit risk and receivables to be liquidated at the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund, which notifies the Risk Center as the source institution, and information on the principal debt arising from the issuance of financial bills and bonds at the Merkezi Kayıt Kuruluşu A.Ş. is shared with members.
The Credit Limit-Credit Risk-Receivables to be Liquidated (CLCR) system launched in 2013 provides comprehensive information required by members to evaluate credit risk.
In addition to various error code adjustments in the CLCR application in 2021, individual qualified loans guaranteed by the KGF were notified and this information was shared with the members of the Risk Center.
The Bill Details Notification and Sharing Service collects information about forward-term bills, paid bills, bills contested due to default, bills with withdrawn objections, and canceled/returned bills from banks on a daily basis via the web service and shares this information with all members.
Bill details regarding real persons, commercial enterprises of real persons, and legal entities can be individually inquired through the bill inquiry screen on web applications. Risk Center members, whether or not they are their own customers, are able to access up-to-date information on the bills which is reported on a daily basis. In addition, bills contested due to default, and bills with withdrawn objections are shared with all members free of charge through the Bill Feedback web service.
The Bill Report Service
This service consolidates and shares information about bills received from banks regarding real persons, commercial enterprises of real persons and legal entities. With regard to inquired companies or persons, summarized and detailed information can be accessed about bills paid in the last 5 years, overdue bills, contested bills, bills with withdrawn objection, bills canceled or returned before maturity and forward-term bills with a due date of within 5 years.
With the Bounced Cheque Inquiry and Sharing Services, information on bounced cheques and the account holders are reported to the Risk Center on a daily basis.
In the Bounced Cheque Inquiry System, information about cheques recorded as dishonored by banks and their account holders, and information about cheques paid after being recorded as dishonored and their account holders are notified to the Risk Center on a daily basis, regardless of the cheque amount.
It is possible to run both individual and multiple inquiries about bad cheques notified by members:
The Individual Cheque Inquiry service enables Risk Center members to inquire in regard to cheques which have been recorded as dishonored as well as cheques paid after being recorded as dishonored.
With the CRS, all kinds of detailed information regarding individual loan products are shared with banks and financing companies.
The Credit Reference System is an information-sharing platform through which detailed data regarding personal loan products is collected from members of the Risk Center and then shared with banks and financing companies.
Banks and financing companies which are members of the Risk Center are able to access a range of information online within several seconds through CRS inquiry, including data on all open accounts under which a consumer is “debtor” or “guarantor”, data on all closed accounts for the last five years, data on applications submitted during the last six months and loan repayment performance data pertaining to the last 36 months. Individual loan product information provided from members in accordance with a standard structure is transferred to the CRS database in its original form without undergoing any revisions, merging, additions or similar processes, and then is combined on a customer basis and shared. The CRS Emergency Update Application allows members to instantly update financial information and personal information pertaining to their credit accounts, delete guarantors and additional card users and carry out credit deletions without needing to wait for the next daily notification.
By using the system, financial institutions which can access all kinds of information about the total credit risk and payment habits of consumers in a very short space of time are able to carry out all kinds of risk decisions about their customers based on concrete data.
With the developed CRS Collective Inquiry Service, financial institutions which can conduct group inquiries on the portfolio of personal loan customers and correctly manage their risks are able to offer their loan products rapidly to the right customers under the right conditions, by reaching loan decisions rapidly (for example, by extending loans through SMS).
Thanks to these advantages provided by KKB, the finance industry is able to grow in a healthy manner and consumers can access the financial support they require on a macro scale.
The Credit Reference System minimizes personal credit risk, boosts credit volume by measuring credit risk, and enables more rational, faster, and healthier credit and limit decisions to be taken. The system also encourages individual credit customers to pay on a regular basis and paves the way for widespread loan utilization.
The CRS is not a blacklist; it also contains positive loan repayment data. Consequently, customers have the opportunity to introduce themselves easily to an institution which they will work with for the first time ever. While loan accounts are updated by members on a daily basis, application records are created and opened to sharing instantly.
After operating with the monthly data reporting and update system until June 2015, the CRS then began to be updated daily. In the CRS, where millions of accounts are recorded, work was carried out to ensure credit information and payment performance data were uploaded to the daily system. With more current data, members were better placed to reach healthier credit decisions more effectively.
As of July 2016, CRS notification was initiated by asset management companies, paving the way for enrichment of existing CRS data.
As of October 2017, personal and communication data, which is only reported during the opening of an account, started to be received on a monthly basis. Thus, the DVS system was provided with the capability to be fed with updated personal and communication data.
The Corporate Bureau System (CBS) is an information-sharing system which includes the commercially qualified credit information of real and legal entity customers.
The Corporate Bureau System (CBS) is an information-sharing system which includes the commercially qualified credit information of real and legal entity customers.
Launched in 2005, this groundbreaking application offers a highly comprehensive data set for use by members to perform a risk assessment on a legal entity. With the Collective Inquiry function added to the system in November 2013, members may easily update the portfolio at certain periods.
The content-rich system facilitates the sharing of an extensive range of data, including details regarding the identity of real persons and legal entities, information regarding relations on a capital basis, loan account and repayment data, collateral information, and bounced cheque data.
As the number of members providing information to the system grows, the Corporate Bureau System is being used more intensively. The CBS has become an important tool in the credit assessments of KKB-member institutions regarding their corporate customers. As a result of a project carried out to enrich the data of the corporate bureau in 2013, in addition to information on total corporate limits, information on group limits, group risk, cash, and the non-cash limit breakdown and overall revised maturity is shared in corporate inquiries.
After the Risk Center transition in 2014, a function was added to the CBS to enable institutions to perform any updating, deletion and correction on the Corporate Bureau Urgent Updating screens where there is missing or erroneous data transmitted to the CBS without needing to wait until the next notification month. The system, through which where objections received and answered via MIDES are also listed, additionally allows members to carry out updates without needing to wait until the following month’s notification.
The first phase of the CBS Improvement and Simplification initiative commenced in 2017. This project enhanced data diversity within the CBS and further improved the system’s data uploading and inquiry performance. With this project, Payment Performance data was added to the CBS in a manner similar to the CRS, and the “Maximum Delay Days in a Period” of a loan was shared 36 months retrospectively in response to the query.
Financial leasing companies and factoring companies were included in the system in 2018. Asset management companies also started CBS notifications as of 2019.
Additionally, turnover and asset size percentiles received from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Revenue Administration started to be shared on the CBS in 2019. Data for 2020 has also been added to the CBS service. The project to collect CBS notifications on a daily basis, primary work for which got underway in the last quarter of 2020, was implemented in the first quarter of 2021. Accordingly, Risk Center members who benefit from the CBS service are provided with more up-to-date customer data and are better able to manage their risks.
The Customer Objections Handling System (MIDES) allows automatic transmission of the objections related to the information shared within the CRS and CBS to members who registered the records.
The Customer Objections Handling System (MIDES) allows automatic transmission of the objections related to the information shared within the CRS and CBS to the member who registered the record.
With this system, the customer information shared in the CRS with the Personal MIDES application and the information shared in the CBS with the Corporate MIDES application is accessed, and the customer objections is can be evaluated and concluded in a short space of time. As a result of the examination, where any problem is found with the shared data, the necessary correction process is also carried out in a short space of time without any requests.
MIDES holds the distinction of being the fastest system in the world in terms of examining and responding to consumer objections when compared to similar systems. Although Risk Center member banks are permitted up to 24 hours to respond to objections made, the actual response time is less than two hours.
In 2018, efforts were made to code the current functions of the individual MIDES application with new technology in order to better meet the developing and changing needs of members.
In parallel to the start of CRS notification by asset management companies in 2016 and CBS notification in 2019, systemic developments were completed for the submission and evaluation of the objections against the asset management companies’ information.
Thanks to the Foreign Currency Credit and Income Customer Objections Handling System, customer objections are handled and finalized in a short time by accessing customer information shared via the Foreign Currency Credit and Income Service. Risk Center members have a maximum of 8 business days is respond to the objections.
The DVS is a system which allows the accuracy of consumer information to be checked and updated.
The CRS Data Verification System (DVS) is a system which is used extensively by members that allows members to check the accuracy of information declared by a consumer who has submitted the information in an application, to complete any missing information of existing customers and to update any outdated data of customers.
Along with the start of CRS notification by asset management companies in 2016, this information was used to feed the IVS (Information Verification System).
The Cheque Report Raw Data Presentation Service provides access to the historical payment data of a cheque issuer.
The Cheque Report Raw Data Presentation Service provides access to the historical payment data of a cheque issuer. The report includes detailed information concerning the banks where there is a cheque account, the cheques submitted, cheques which had bounced but were subsequently paid, and details in regard to the cheques which had bounced but were paid with 1-month, 3-month or 12-month intervals.
Since KKB has started to collect information on Postdated Cheques and Open Cheques from its members, the Cheque Report now contains information regarding issuers’ postdated and open cheques in addition to cheques which have not been honored and paid cheques.
The system now allows the tracking of a person’s performance as a “bearer” in the reports which are offered to members for “inquiry” purposes. In addition to these reports, The Cheque Report Raw Data Presentation System presents information concerning cheques payable to the issuer at 1, 3 or 12-month intervals, the number/amount and ratio of cheques paid upon presentation, the number/amount and ratio of cheques which have not been honored but are subsequently paid and the number / amount of cheques which have not been honored and are still unpaid.
The Risk Report Raw Data Presentation Service is a product which reveals the historical loan repayment performance of the loan products obtained from banks.
The Risk Report Raw Data Presentation Service provides information concerning the historical loan repayment performance of natural persons and legal entities.
Based on personal and commercial loan data which is periodically collected by the Risk Center from corporate members through the CRS and CBS, this report contains information on data such as limits, risks and the number of credit accounts of real and legal persons, as well as member information on who holds an account, their past credit payment performance, the number of financial institutions which issue a notification, delays and follow-up actions which were taken.
Information on the limits and risk information which appears in financial leasing and factoring companies is fed from the CLCR system and presented in the Risk Report.
Improvements carried out to the individual inquiry service of the Risk Report in 2018 included grouping under a single heading of services which were previously separate for member types in the current structure, the addition of data for asset management companies and the enrichment of individual credit data. In addition, the current service quality was upgraded by carrying out improvements such as simplifying the “input” information used in inquiries.
With the project carried out in 2021, risk information regarding factoring and leasing members in the Risk Report Raw Data application was fed more up-to-date with the CBS application than it was with the CLCR application.
The Cross Cheque Relations Inquiry service allows inquiries to be conducted regarding the mutual cheque relations between the issuer and the last endorser.
This service allows inquiries concerning the mutual cheque relations between the issuer and the last endorser who presented the cheque to a bank.
The Cross Cheque Relations Inquiry produces a list setting out the number and the amount of cheques issued mutually between companies and natural persons, with detailed breakdown analyses which include “Cheque recorded as dishonored”, “Cheque paid after being recorded as dishonored”, “Cheque paid upon presentation”; and “Issuer’s postdated cheque.”
The Cross Cheque Relations Inquiry service has been provided through web applications and the web service since November 2015 and is actively used by all members.
While information on bounced cheques is uploaded into the system on a daily basis, the system also scans the issuers of these cheques in both the Credit Reference System (CRS) and the Corporate Bureau System (CBS) and sends a special warning message to inform members of the status of bounced cheques.
Consequently, KKB provides its members with an early warning service by informing them of any potential payment problems which their customers may face in the future.
Announcements published in the Official Gazette related to entities prohibited from participating in tenders, an important input for the risk assessments conducted by KKB members, are entered into the system on a daily basis.
Based on this information, various services are provided to KKB-member institutions, including the following:
Under this service, KKB shares data regarding futures, options, and similar derivative contracts sold by banks to natural persons and legal entities on a semimonthly basis, including information regarding limits and risks available one business day prior to the notification date. Data sharing regarding derivative transactions can be performed either collectively or individually.
This service covers the daily collection of cheque information from the banks, which is out of the hands of the customers without the consent of the customers and for which the court takes a precautionary injunction, the annulment of the precautionary injunction, the cheque cancellation decision and sharing them through individual inquiries and collective feedback.
The service of Sharing Information about Cheques under Interim Injunction enables clarification regarding any interim injunction or cancellation decision on a cheque. With this service, inquiries can be carried out through the inquiry screen of the individual connected to the bounced cheque, as well as the cheque report.
Information about companies which have declared Bankruptcy, or Suspended Bankruptcy or have a Debt Concordatum and which was published in the Trade Registry Gazette is compiled and shared with all members of the Risk Center through the File Transfer System on a monthly basis.
Court decisions related to bans on issuing cheques and opening cheque accounts are shared daily by the Risk Center with all Risk Center member banks collectively through the File Transfer System.
Within the Ministry of Finance, Revenue Administration (RA), and under the “Customer RA Personal Record Search Service,” Active/Inactive status is shared with information on the identity of the customer (taxpayer), date of establishment, address including UAVT (National Address Database) code and area of activity.
The receipt of the customer’s RA personal record via online inquiry not only improves the productivity on the member’s side but also prevents human-driven operational errors.
In August 2016, New RA Personal Record Change Web Service was launched in addition to the existing “RA Personal Record Search service.” With the addition of the Personal Record Change Web Service, the daily changes in company/person records and the type of operation are shared.
As of July 2020, the RA Personal Record Search Service provides information such as branch details, branch activity name, and code (NACE) of taxpayers that have multiple branches.
This service ensures the collection of monthly limit and risk information on the basis of customers who were insured by (buyers), and customers who have insurance from (sellers), credit insurance companies. In addition, compensation applications made by the seller to insurance companies for unpaid bills are also shared. Credit insurance information can be queried individually on the screen and via the web service.
The Risk Center Customer Report Service provides real persons and legal entities with reports related to their loans that have been consolidated within the Risk Center and shared with the members of the Risk Center. With this service, three different reports can be generated with the information detailed below: Credit Limit, Credit Risk, Receivables to Be Liquidated
This report includes information pertaining to credit and receivables to be liquidated, which is declared by Risk Center member banks, financial leasing companies, factoring firms, consumer finance companies, asset management companies, resource organizations, and other members. The report can be received in three different versions: Detailed Report, Summary Report, and Non-performing Loans.
Cheque Report
This report pertains to bounced cheques, cheques paid after being processed as bounced cheques, and cheques paid upon presentation, since 2009. The report includes the total number of cheques, the total amount of the cheques, bank information, from which cheques are received, as well as the last 50 bounced cheques processed and paid after being processed as bounced cheques.
Protested Bill Report
It is the report containing information about protested bills. This report contains information about protested bills in the last five years, including bank name, branch name, record type (notification or withdrawal), bill amount, protested bill notification date, protested bill withdrawal date, and reason for withdrawal.
Acceptance/rejection status of the home, auto, and consumer loans; credit cards; overdraft account; and commercial loans, for which natural persons and legal entities have applied, and acceptance/rejection notifications related to these applications are collectively sent to the Risk Center as statistical data. This information, obtained from the banks, contributes to the CBRT’s goal of fostering the development of the financial sector.
Using this system, those banks that are members of the Risk Center and which have Rating Systems notify the TBB Risk Center of rating scores assigned to customers, their risk categories, and score scales. They also share this information with the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA).
JCR Avrasya Derecelendirme A.Ş. notifies the TBB Risk Center of its customers’ rating scores, score scales, and reasons for any changes to the scores. These scores are assigned to customers by Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs), which have been authorized but not directly acknowledged by the BRSA. This notification is shared collectively with all Risk Center members, whether or not they are customers of the notification service.
The Risk Center Data Updating Applications allows correction of the data notified and shared by members to be performed instantly, without needing to wait for the next notification period. Thanks to this service CRS, CBS, Credit Insurance, and Credit Limit-Credit Risk data can be updated online. In 2016, research studies to implement credit insurance buyer and seller notifications through the application were completed.
This system automatically checks whether KKB member data notifications are performed at intervals defined for each product and below a certain error rate, and sends feedback to members so they can take action. When an error is detected, the system imposes a sanction in accordance with the rules set out in the Risk Center Circular.
This system provides the following benefits:
With the project, work on which started in 2021, the rules on sanctions regarding notifications made by the members over the web service will be automatically applied through the enforcement application.
These services include conducting the correspondence regarding letters received from official institutions such as the Courts, Prosecutor’s Office, Police Department, Ministry of Finance, Capital Markets Board (CMB), Social Security Institution (SSI), Directorate of Execution and customers within the legally required time framework, ensuring that the reports requested by official institutions are produced accurately and in full and become ready for submission.
These services cover the checking and processing of forms submitted by the members in accordance with the memorandum and providing members with authorization to access applications after the controls.
19 reports and two bulletins are regularly published every month on the official website of the Risk Center of the Banks Association of Türkiye (
Related bulletins and reports include the “Credit Limit Credit Risk and Receivables to be Liquidated (CLCR),” “Personal Loan and Credit Card”, “Paid Cheque”, “Bounced Cheque”, and “Protested Bill”, “Decisions on Cheque Ban” notifications issued by members to the Risk Center of the Banks Association of Türkiye.
These bulletins and reports include risk indicators such as the number of customers, total loan and cheque volumes, developments, non-performing loans, bad cheques and protested promissory notes regarding the Turkish finance sector in general, including non-bank financial institutions, and this information is presented in detail with sector and geographical breakdowns.
The TBB Risk Center publishes various reports and analysis related to the Turkish financial sector, including non-bank financial institutions, from the data which it collects from its members, and shares these reports with its members. The sharing of this data is carried out statically through environments which can be accessed only by TBB Risk Center members.
The TBB Risk Center publishes statistics, reports, analysis and data required and requested by the CBRT, BRSA and other official institutions from the data which it collects from its members and shares this information with the relevant official institutions regularly and/or upon request.
Company Representative Information, Shareholder Information and Capital Information as part of the Central Registry System (CTMCRS), under the Ministry of Customs and Trade, started to be shared with Risk Center members at the end of 2016.
Members may lodge an individual inquiry using their MERSİS number, tax ID number or their national ID number. Information related to stock corporations, cooperatives, individual enterprises, the Turkish branch of foreign companies or their businesses established by associations and foundations is available within the service.
In 2018, system upgrades enabled the sharing of data regarding tradesmen in the Information System of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESBIS) through MERSIS. Additionally, information sharing was enriched by enabling results to be collected from both MERSIS and ESBIS when a MERSIS inquiry is carried out using the national ID number.
Work has been carried out to ensure that member merchant turnover from the Interbank Card Center (BKM) is consolidated on a monthly basis on the basis of identity and the following information titles are inquired by the members through the web service and web screen.
Within the scope of the inquiry service, information topics such as the national ID number or the tax number of the member workplace, period (month /year), the number of banks a member is working with and total turnover are shared.
However, with the Notification of POS Cancellation Information Service, which was implemented on 3 August 2021, banks of customers whose POS had been canceled with the decisions of the Fictitious Transaction Evaluation Committee due to fraudulent or mistaken use of POS devices, debit cards or credit cards notified the Risk Center.
This data is shared with members through the Member Workplace Turnover Information and POS Cancellation Information Inquiry Service.
It is a product that allows negative notifications regarding checks, bills, credit insurance and tender bans made by different institutions, belonging to individual and commercial customers which Risk Center members make their notifications to, to be transmitted to members requesting the relevant service with an alert file via the FTP. Warnings are issued where members of notified the Risk Center of customers who have applied for credit limit, credit-risk, receivables to be liquidated (CLCR), individually qualified credit and credit cards (CRS) or commercially qualified credits (CBS) or issuers’ postdated cheque applications with banks.
This service includes applications where sharing is performed based on individual inquiries. The number of individual inquiries performed by members on a daily, monthly and annual basis is shared as a summary and in detail on the basis of member users. Furthermore, warning messages are created and shared in the same context with members on a daily basis depending on the changes in the Trend Analysis Report and daily inquiries.
With the project completed in 2021, improvements were carried out to the Individual Inquiry Unit Reporting Service, with sharing of all inquiries carried out individually by Risk Center members as raw data in the form of 10 different reports, including “Summary”, “Detail” and “Trend Reports”, using the FTP/DTS structure. In addition, new fields were added to the reports.
Customers exposed to events defined as force majeure are notified to the TBB Risk Center on a monthly basis by all Risk Center members. As part of this service, in which individual inquiries can be conducted through the web screen, collective sharing is performed on a monthly basis through the FTP.
Debt information of real persons and legal entities who have delayed in their debt repayments has been obtained from telecommunication companies on monthly intervals. Data was broken down by the number of overdue days and shared, after being consolidated, with all Risk Center members through the web screen and web service.
The Foreign Currency Credit and Income Inquiry system provides notifications and shares information on foreign currency loans granted to legal entities resident in Turkey, loans extended to these entities from abroad with the mediation of banks and foreign currency income in the last three fiscal years.
If banks, factoring companies, financial leasing firms, and financing companies extend foreign currency loans or their current foreign currency loan balances change (through reimbursement, the extension of additional loans, closure, balance update, becoming the subject matter of legal proceedings), this is instantly reported to the Risk Center via the web service.
Foreign currency credit and income information, and information pertaining to credit utilized as part of the Investment Incentive Certificate are shared individually via the screen and web service application, regardless of whether the member performing the notification is a customer or not.
In 2019, new scope codes related to the notification and sharing of restructured foreign currency credits were introduced to the application. Enhancements were made in the income notification service to ensure notifications comply with the Circular on Capital Movements.
In addition, new scope codes were added to the application in 2021, allowing members to perform notifications with newly added scope codes.
The TBB Risk Center Report Service was launched on 15 March 2019, via the e-state gateway.
Real persons and the commercial enterprises of real persons are now able to submit report applications by entering the “Risk Center Report Application” at
With the project implemented from 6 May 2021, the service, which was previously offered in two forms as Cheque Information and the Credit Limit Debt Information Report, has started to be presented as a single report, enriched with the following new information titles, as well as daily credit data in CRS and CBS.
Within the scope of the service, free reports may be obtained once a day, four times a month and 24 times a year.
Under this system, commercial credit information provided to real persons’ commercial enterprises and legal entities is reported and shared on a Risk Code basis.
The total commercial loan extension rate, payment amounts and remaining balance details of banks, factoring companies, leasing companies and financing companies are reported on a daily basis.
Regardless of whether or not the member providing the notification is a customer, Commercial Turkish Lira Risks are shared individually through the web service application. The shared information only contains details regarding the extension amount and daily payment transactions are not included.
The shared information includes details regarding the investor, the investment, elements supporting the investment, the investment amount, the financing of the investment and special conditions included in the legal persons’ electronic investment incentive certificates (e-YTB), which are kept by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
This service enables Investment Incentive Certificate information to be accessed through instant inquiries, the switching from a printed form to an electronic environment and access to the most up-to-date data in each inquiry, while preventing duplicate loan disbursements.
The e-YTB is shared with banks and factoring, leasing, and finance companies through the web screen and web service.
Under this system, information regarding commercial TRY and FX credits utilized by legal entities and by commercial enterprises of natural persons is reported on an account basis.
Details of the total commercial TRY and FX credit extension rate and payment amounts of banks, factoring companies, leasing companies, and financing companies are reported on a daily basis.
Information obtained from members is shared with the CBRT (Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye), thus helping the CBRT monitor development in the financial sector.
The TBB Risk Center ensures that all data reported by its members is accessible to CBRT and BRSA employees through another reporting system. Through this system, employees of the CBRT and BRSA may perform all of the reports, analysis, controls and examinations which they need on their own, based on the data collected by the TBB Risk Center from members, and which is highly valuable for the Turkish finance sector.
With this reporting system, members have the opportunity to simultaneously access the figures of their own institutions, as well as total sector figures classified according to the types of banks and other financial institutions, and to compare these figures. The main purpose of the system is to ensure that desired reports are accessed interactively in line with preferred filters so members do not have to rely on the scope and format shared in static reports.
The Risk Center Interactive Reporting System currently contains content (updated monthly) created from Credit Limit, Credit Risk and Receivables to be Liquidated (CLCR) data reported by TBB Risk Center members. In 2022, new content will be added to the system, consisting of data on individual credit and credit cards (CRS), paid cheques, bounced cheques, postdated cheques, blank cheques, paid bills and protested bills. Some of this content will be updated daily.
The benefits of the system can be briefly summarized with the following three items;
With this service, daily cheque statistics are released to the FTP directories of Risk Center members. These statistics allow members to regularly monitor cheque statistics regarding the sector in general with the highest level of frequency.
In this reporting service, cheque customers of TBB Center member banks share information of postdated cheques provided for collection and collateral of both their own banks and other banks.
Banks which are members of the Risk Center and which issue cheque books for their customers may benefit from this service.
These reports are produced upon request from members, using the “Postdated Cheque Notification” data collected from Risk Center member banks.
Banks may gain a basic information regarding the future cheque payment obligations of their customers to whom they offer cheque books. As such, they will possess more information regarding the payment obligations of their customers during allocation decisions.
Put in practice in 2021, the Declaration System allows members to declare that they do not have the data subject to Risk Center notifications or have not acted on the relevant data type, while allowing members to follow the entered declarations.
The Project of Sharing Bankruptcy and Concordat Decisions in the National Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP), implemented on 15 January 2021, allows the sharing of up-to-date information on bankruptcy and concordatum decisions, which are highly important in our country’s agenda and are of intensive interest for our members.
Bankruptcy and concordatum information received from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye on a monthly basis and shared with members via FTS in the following month is now shared daily over the UYAP.
Under the new system, all Risk Center members may access current bankruptcy and concordatum decisions free of charge on the web service.